
Mattaleen Batdorf LaneAge: 80 years18931973

Mattaleen Batdorf Lane
Birth July 14, 1893
Birth of a son
Bobbie Lane Simmons
December 12, 1925 (Age 32 years)
Death of a sonBobbie Lane Simmons
December 12, 1925 (Age 32 years)
Death of a husbandClyde Clayton Simmons
May 5, 1949 (Age 55 years)
Death August 26, 1973 (Age 80 years)
Family with Clyde Clayton Simmons - View this family
Bobbie Lane Simmons
Birth: December 12, 1925 35 32Barren, Kentucky, United States
Death: December 12, 1925Barren, Kentucky, United States


Information obtained by Clyde Clayton Simmons of Glascow, Ky.- Mattaleen Batdorf Lane is the great-great grandaughter of William Logan, brother of General Benjamin Logan, who with Daniel Boone, Simo n Kenton, and others were leaders in the settlement and development of Kentucky during the period 1770 to 1790.